February 10, 2011

30 for 30: day 10

top: Wal Mart / cardigan: AE / jeggings: AE / shoes: Bumper

Every Thursday is my "girl's night out", and I look forward to this night all week. I head over to my cousin's house and we all watch The Vampire Diaries together. It's a total replica of Twilight, but have you seen the cast members?! I become a complete fan girl every Thursday night. It's ridiculous. And I love it. And I haven't missed an episode yet.
Anyway, I was pumped for tonight, like usual. Dressed, ready to go. The plan was Straton picking me up at 6, right when he gets off of work (thanks to one working car at the moment), and then I was dropping him off at the fire station for drill, and rushing over to drool over my t.v. boyfriends. It was a great plan.
Well 6:15 rolls around. 6:30 strolls on by. 6:40 - what the heck?! 

Oh yeah. He forgot all about me. Went straight from work to drill. Not even the usual "I'm on my way home" phone call. Lauren at home on Thursday night + no cable = NO Vampire Diaries.
Our next conversation went something like this - via texting:

Laur: Where are you?!?!?!?

(tick tock, tick tock)

Strat: I forgot to come home. I got off work and came straight to drill.

Strat: lol I'm super sorry.

Laur: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

 (30 minutes later)

Laur: Vampire Diaries is on right now. Just in case you were wondering.....

Laur: Oh yeah. And I'm at HOME.


He decided a Strawberry Banana smoothie would make me feel better.

It did. Smooth moves Hot Stuff.


Sarah said...

Too bad you were all dressed up with nowhere to go (or rather, not going where you already were gonna)! Still looks adorable, though. (: Good thing he knew how to smooth it all over with a smoothie.

Diana B said...

Smoothies do cure all ails... LOL I love your braid, it looks great.