April 19, 2011

all in a day's work

Oh hey. Another blog makeover. Another change. This time let's see if I can stick with this look for longer than a month, yeah?! I've neglected my responsibilities enough this past week trying to get the html just right, the colors to blend and buttons to work. But they'll have to wait a bit longer because I'm going to be lazy with my family for one more night.

Oaklen news: he's now learned how to stand up without help. It's quite an accomplishment. Especially because he can also do it without using his hands. I'm one proud mama. With all these milestones happening so fast, I'll have a lot to catch up on on his *baby blog.

Because I know how all of you are just dying to see this magical accomplishment (ok, so probably just my mom. and you Grandma), here's a video:

*if you'd like an invite to Oaklen's blog, leave me your email in a comment or email me and I'll add you!

P.S. I've been told to try out the Twitter. THE Twitter. The single thing I hate most about the internet. For anyone who has it, do you have any good tips? Will I be wasting my time?


Anonymous said...

Twitter is your cup of tea

Anonymous said...

And you need to link your header to your home page. That is all.

GiGi said...

GiGi loves to see all of Oaklen's accomplishments - small and big! Keep them coming.

JaelandSteveThompson.blogspot.com said...

That's so fun you captured the moment. You should add me to your baby blog. Jael.marchena@gmail.com