A while ago we were in the market for a nice new camera.
We looked around for a little bit, then decided it wasn't the right time to invest in something like that.
So we put it off.
Of course, I started to crave that nice new camera I'd been daydreaming about. So after a few more weeks, a little more research and a few Youtube videos later, we caved. Or should I say, Straton caved. And next thing I knew we hit the road to pick it up AND take a quick detour to IKEA.
Best husband. Ever.
Now I can't put it down. I'm trying to learn everything I can about this new member of our family.
As I was taking the sheets off our bed to throw them in the wash today, I thought of this image that's been floating around Pinterest for a little while now.
I immediately stripped Oaklen down to his diaper, grabbed my camera and did my own version.
I had to bribe him the whole time with goldfish, that little stinker.
He just wanted to roll around in the sheets and jump off the bed.
Copycat or not, they turned out dang cute.
You will soon be a master. You are a natural. The pictures are darling and of course Oaklen rocks!
So cute! Love it!
So what kind of camera did you finally decide on??
OH MY WORD!!! those are the most adorable pictures EVER. i might have to copy them one day.... ;)
Those turned out so good! The last one is my favorite!
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