June 2, 2011

first year - in photos

I'm pretty surprised I kept up with this monthly picture collage. It was so fun to look forward to every month. The changes he would make in just a short month period always shocked me. 
It's fun to look back on these pictures and see the little boy he was growing into. 
Unfortunately, the pictures have come to an end. 
I would still be putting him in a white onesie, on the same chair, until he was 12 if he let me. 
I think that would be a little awkward, though. 
12 months is good enough.

(March 1, 2010 - March 1st, 2011)


Kim said...

Awesome, Lauren! What a neat idea. Love it.

CC said...

I love these pics! It is so cool how you can see his personality developing along with the physical development. I wish I had thought of this! He is so precious!