February 5, 2010

36 week status

I had my {dreaded} doctor appointment yesterday. Thank goodness everything went well and we just MIGHT get to meet this baby before his due date! Ok, wishful thinking, I know, but it may be in the cards.

First things first- he's dropped. I figured he'd dropped sometime within 34-36 weeks because I have to pee ALL THE TIME now, and I don't have problems breathing like before. Not to mention all the crazy contractions I've been having that keep me up literally almost all night long. She mentioned that he dropped quite a bit too.
Second- I'm dilated to about a 2.
And third- I'm 50% effaced.

I really wouldn't mind a Valentine's baby! Please keep that in mind, baby Gerber.


GiGi said...

Your Mom is probably packing as I comment - also some good dates: Julie's BD is the 9th and your great grandma's (my Mom) is the l5th and, of course, mine is March 7th if you can hold on that long!!! Valentines Day is good too - a real sweetheart for you and Straton.

Lauren said...

NO Grandma. I cannot wait that long. Don't get any ideas! I'll bribe my doctor if I have to, but this fella is coming out the 28th or sooner!

Ben and Brie Smith said...

AHHH i can't believe you're already getting THAT MUCH CLOSER!! woo hoo!!

Mom said...

My birthday is in November.

Auntie Jan said...

Mine, too

Julie said...

Have him on my birthday and I'll pay you a million dollars.

Rohatinskys said...

You are so close and so stinkin' cute. You really do look amazing....I hope you feel like that.