April 8, 2011

we're off!

This little family is about to take a vacation. Can you guess where we'll be?

Here are the clues:

1. It's where a grown up can feel like a kid again.

2. We will probably run into a princess or two. 

3. Oaklen is already preparing himself:

If you guessed Disneyland, three pats on the back for you!! 
It will be my (and Oakies) first time there. 
I can't wait to take my picture with the Mr. Mickey Mouse himself. I never took one years ago when I went to Disneyworld, and a Disney vacation is not a success without one!


Amanda Marie said...

Awe, you are so lucky! Have fun, I haven't been since I was a little kid and I can't wait to take my boys someday! :) I can't wait to see pictures!!

Lauren and Carter said...

Wow I'm so jealous! I love Disneyland! And I hear it's an ever greater level of fun when you have a little one to enjoy it with. :) Travel safe!

Anonymous said...

He is the cutest thing ever in this picture :D

Marie said...

Have fun! I just got back and it was a blast and the weather was perfect! i hope it's not as busy as it was when we were there. Enjoy! Where are you guys staying?