Dear Binky,
We told you upon arrival that you needed to be out of the house when Oaklen turned 1. But those days came and went. You were good to us, Bink. Don't think otherwise. You saved mom and dad lots of stress and gave us lots of sleep. You were the world's greatest mute button for those times we needed a quiet baby asap. But you've worn out your welcome. In fact, these last couple of weeks you've been attached to Oaklen's face and caused more drama than we ever needed. So your getting the boot.
See you in a couple years,
mom & dad
I LOVE your blog/ website! You are a freaking awesome girl with some killer ideas and awesome photos. Good thing my babe just barely turned a month cause I may have to copy the month by month pics.
"See you in a couple of years." Is that an announcement?
I'm ready to toss the bink as well... now that we have another babe in the house that uses one... Gavin is more attached to his than ever! How did you do it? How is he handling it? I need advice!!! lol
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